The history of Hosei University begins in 1880 when three young lawyers established Tokyo School of Law. At present, Hosei is a comprehensive university with 15 undergraduate faculties including Science and Engineering, a School of Correspondence Education, 15 graduate schools and 2 professional schools.
Hosei University was selected as one of the Top Global Universities Project by the Japanese government to promote globalization of the university. In addition, Hosei University offers Degree Programs taught completely in English and Hosei University is taking the initiative and expanding its global strategy.
The Hosei University Exchange Students from Overseas Program (ESOP) was established in 1997 to provide academic opportunities to exchange students; these students are from our overseas partner institutions, as well as individual applicants.
ESOP offers courses taught in English which cover a myriad of topics related to Japan, appealing to students with diverse academic interests. Furthermore, exchange students have chance to take all courses offered at Hosei University. In addition to the aforementioned courses, ESOP students can maximize their learning and appreciation of Japan by enrolling in Japanese language classes without any additional fee.
We currently have partnerships for student exchange with 61 universities in 20 different countries (as of February, 2019). Through ESOP, our students are able to both explore Japan and build connections with young enthusiastic students from all over the world.
English-medium Degree Programs / Faculty
Undegraduate Progaram / Faculty
Global and Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS)
Global Business Program (GBP)
Sustainability Co-creation Programme (SCOPE)
Institute for Global Economics and Social Sciences (IGESS)
Graduate Program
Global MBA Program
Institute of Integrated Science and Technology (IIST)