スイス大使館はCEATEC Japan 2020 オンライン展示会の会期中に、スイスのテクノロジー企業をご紹介するために「イノベーション国別ランキングNo.1、スイス気鋭の11社が登壇!/swisstech.pitchinar 〜Swiss Solutions for Society 5.0〜」を10月22日(木)16:00より開催いたします。
A series of three virtual events on "Cultures of Innovation: Past, Present and Future" are organised by the Embassy of Switzerland in India and swissnex India, swissnex China, the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan and the…
The Embassy of Switzerland in Japan is currently accepting applications for the swisstech Pavilion@CEATEC Japan 2020 Online exhibition–Japan’s largest IT and electronics trade show and the most important platform to display the latest technologies–as well as for the swisstech.pitchinar in…
A series of three virtual events on "Cultures of Innovation: Past, Present and Future" are organised by the Embassy of Switzerland in India and swissnex India, swissnex China, the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan and the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore, supported by the Swiss…