The Embassy of Switzerland in Japan is currently accepting applications for the swisstech Pavilion@CEATEC Japan 2020 Online exhibition–Japan’s largest IT and electronics trade show and the most important platform to display the latest technologies–as well as for the swisstech.pitchinar in October. Excellent and innovative Swiss startups and companies profit from an easy and cost efficient offer to reach out to potential Japanese partners.
swisstech@CEATEC Japan 2020 Online
The Embassy of Switzerland is hosting the swisstech Pavilion@CEATEC Japan 2020 Online. Swiss startups and companies are invited to join the virtual booth and showcase innovative products and services related to this year’s theme “CEATEC toward Society 5.0 with the New Normal” to a wide audience from October 20 (Tue) to 23 (Fri).
Participants to CEATEC as well as non-participants also get the opportunity to take part at the swisstech.pitchinar. The virtual event takes place on October 22 (Thu) from 09:00 to 10:30 CET (tbc).
The pitchinar–a pitch-session presented in a webinar format–aims at promoting Swiss innovation and excellence to an audience consisting of Japanese venture capital investors, major technology companies, business persons responsible for open innovation and distributors. Swiss startups and companies aiming at capturing the Japanese market are invited to introduce their cutting-edge solutions related to New Work Styles/Lifestyles or Virus Prevention Measures.
Organizers and Sponsors
Both events are organized and financially supported by the the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan in collaboration with Switzerland Global Enterprise, Presence Switzerland, swissnex network, as well as the Swiss Business Hub Japan and the Science & Technology Office Tokyo at the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan.
Application Deadline
Applications will be accepted until September 18, 2020.
For swisstech.pitchinar
Mr. Michael Vogelsanger
Science & Technology Office Tokyo
Tel. +81-3-5449-8414
Tel. +41-58-480-85-56
For swisstech Pavilion@CEATEC Japan 2020 Online
Ms. Naoko Wada
Swiss Business Hub Japan
Tel. +81-3-5449-8434
Further Information