The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) is seeking foreign and Japanese financial companies and startups providing innovative solutions and services that meet the Tokyo citizens’ needs and challenges. The three financial institutes with the best products will be presented with the Tokyo Financial Award 2020 as well as money prizes totaling 18M JPY.
Financial Innovation
The Financial Innovation category targets solutions for new financial services and products. This includes completely new services, services that have not been released in Japan, existing services with added new functions, or services with added values–such as price reduction–by introducing new technologies etc.
Around five Japanese and ten foreign companies will be selected during the initial screening and are eligible to join the online support program as well as to receive support for commercialization in Tokyo. The three companies with the best solutions will be selected around October/November 2020 and receive 10M, 5M and 3M JPY respectively. The award ceremony will take place in February 2021.
Japanese or Foreign Financial (including FinTech) Companies offering “new services” and already operating or plan to do business in Tokyo in the future
July 7 to Sep 11, 2020, 11:59 PM (JST)
Further Information
Submission Guidelines:
ESG Investment
Another award will be given to businesses that promote ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) investments and/or SDGs management.
In the ESG Investment category, financial businesses who are working on the advancement of ESG investments that contribute to sustainable urban development will be awarded. Proposals are accepted in the subcategories ESG investment and Sustainable Development Goals. (Applications can be submitted for both subcategories but only one award will be given per company/startup.)
A jury will select and announce the winners (about three) in October/November. The award ceremony will take place in February 2021.
ESG Investment subcategory: Japanese or Foreign Financial (including FinTech) Companies engaging in ESG investing activities that are consistent with Environmental, Social, and Governance themes.
SDGs subcategory: Japanese or Foreign Company (including Financial Companies) practicing SDGs management activities that are consistent with the 17 SDGs goals.
August 3 to October 16, 2020, 11:59 PM (JST)
Further Information
Submission Guidelines:
The Tokyo Financial Award takes place for the third time in 2020 and is a part of TGM’s vision “Global Financial City: Tokyo”, an initiative to establish Japan’s capital as an unrivalled global financial center.