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The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is participating in the 8th European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan call on Sustainable Hydrogen Technology as Affordable and…
The Call for Opportunity Grant 2021 for research projects between Switzerland and Japan is currently open. The opportunity grants support bottom-up initiatives of researchers from…
Switzerland and Japan are currently accepting applications for the Call for Young Researchers' Exchange Programme between the two countries. The instrument funds 3 to 6-month…
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) launched the second call for EPFLglobaLeaders, a new international doctoral fellowship programme funding early stage…
The University of Geneva launches a new Master of Advanced Studies in Finance Program. The unique and innovative 9-months program will expose students to the most exciting…
In the framework of the Future Food Initiative postdoc programme, The Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich (ETH) and Lausanne (EPFL) are looking for exceptionally…
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and the Swiss Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus launched the third call for proposals for “CYD Fellowships – A Talent Program…
The University of Geneva is currently accepting applications for the Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance 2021-2022 (MEIG Programme) which is…

On the occasion of the CEATEC Japan 2020 virtual exhibition, Switzerland put the spotlight on the exceptional performance of the Swiss innovation ecosystem with the swisstech.…

Switzerland related news
November 28, 2020
Three out of five Japanese teams were particularly highlighted in the CYBATHLON 2020, a unique championship in which people with disabilities tackle everyday tasks using advanced…