SWISSTECH in Japan 2021: Targeting BEYOND ZERO societies - Swiss solutions toward decarbonization

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SWISSTECH in Japan 2021: Targeting BEYOND ZERO Societies
Swiss Solutions Toward Decarbonization

October 25, 18:00-19:00, online

As the world is faced with the pressing challenges of global warming, advanced economies such as Switzerland and Japan are engaging faster than ever with decarbonization and environmental efforts. Both countries have set a similar target of net zero emission by 2050.

Shifting away from fossil energy as well as implementing Direct Air Capture technologies, in addition to cutting emissions, will constitute key factors on the road to achieving the 2050 goal.

International cooperation and exchanges in Research & Development make particularly sense for two innovation power houses such as Switzerland and Japan. Our 2021 SWISSTECH online event will introduce two highly innovative Swiss Startups which operate at the frontier of decarbonization: Climeworks removes carbon out of the atmosphere Synhelion turns it into synthetic fuel for transportation.

Join us to learn more about these Swiss solutions to close the carbon cycle and discover the many advantages of Switzerland as a platform for Research & Development in the cleantech sector.

Program - October 25, 18:00-19:00
18:00 Opening + Welcome remarks by the Ambassador of Switzerland to Japan (tbc)
18:05 Prof. Andreas Zuttel, EPFL and Director of the Laboratory of Materials for Renewable Energy (LMER)
18:20 Synhelion SA
18:35 Climeworks AG
18:50 Closing remarks

The event will be held online on Zoom. Please regsiter below. 



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