
Cyber-Defence Fellowship Programs open for Japanese Talents in Switzerland – Deadline 31 August 2020
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and the Swiss Cyber-Defense (CYD) Campus jointly launched a new fellowship program for Cyber-Defence Research to build the next generation of research leaders in cyber-security. The second call for proposals is now open. Citizens of any nationality are encouraged to submit applications. The program offers funding for 6-month Master theses, 4-year PhDs, and (up to) 2-year postdocs under the supervision of a professor at a Swiss higher education institution and a CYD Campus researcher.
Special COVID-19 Call for Projects Grants with Japan – Deadline 30 August 2020

Switzerland launched a new special COVID-19 Call for Project Grants between Swiss and Japanese academia. Proposals of all scientific disciplines and fields of research including social sciences and humanities are accepted. Selected projects will receive a grant sum of max. 25k CHF for a duration of up to 12 months.

New Call for Innovation Partnership Grants with Japan – Deadline 30 July

A new call for Innovation Partnership Grants between Swiss academia and Japanese innovation agents including industry and start-ups is now open. All scientific disciplines including social sciences and humanities are eligible. Selected projects will receive funding up to 20k CHF for a duration of up to 12 months.

Call for Proposals: RIKEN Center for Computational Science

The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), in coordination with the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), is currently accepting proposals aimed at combating COVID-19 by providing its new supercomputer Fugaku for selected research projects.

Fugaku is planned to start full operations in 2021. In light of the current pandemic, RIKEN decided that parts of the supercomputer can already be used ahead of the original installation schedule.